
感謝您聯繫我們 Alice 黃醫生 的診所.


如果您要與黃醫生預約看診,請提供給我們您的醫生推薦信 Referral letter (您的家庭醫師 GP可提供), 請包括您的聯繫方式或電話號碼,然後我們將與您聯繫以安排合適的看診時間. 請注意我們的行政管理人員不懂 普通話/中文.

請將您的醫生推薦信發送給我們, 您可以通過

info@dralicehuang.com.au 或
傳真:(03) 94171099 或
郵寄:Suite 8, 320 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne, Vic 3002.


Thank you contacting our clinic.
Dr Huang is fluent in Mandarin/Chinese.

If you are seeking an appointment with Dr Huang, please provide a referral letter from your General Practitioner (GP) together with your contact details and we will then contact you to make a suitable time for an appointment. Please note that our staff do not speak Mandarin/Chinese.

You can send your referral to us via
email: reception@dralicehuang.com.au

or fax: (03) 94171099

or post: Suite 8, 320 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne, Vic 3002.

If you have another query please communicate with us in English and we will do our best to assist you.


Compassionate, Holistic care and treatment.

Our friendly and dedicated team will be able to assist you with regards to appointments and enquires over the phone or in person.